Elementor #1855


Bazi Reference and Knowledge

Bazi Reference and Knowledge — Part II

Languages: Englsih with French Translation

Date: Saturday 6th November and Sunday 7th November 2021

Time:  1800 to 2200 Central Europe Time 

(1800-2200 France Time)

(0600-1000 Tahiti Time)

Fees: EUR €375 (No Vat)

PRE-REQUESIT — Must have basic Bazi Knowledge

About: Please read Course and Synopsis

Contact for registration:  mimi@moorhouse.com


EURO Account

Mimi Moorhouse


IBAN BE72 9672 1326 9216


Avenue Louise 54, Room S52

Brussels 1050  Belgium                             

Sender will be responsible to all transaction charges.

Thank you.



Mimi’s pledge:

I have made a pledge at the beginning of 2020.

With my humble intention, I want to dedicate some goodwill back to the work of metaphysics. All the profits from my future teachings will be used for donations to support “Speratum”, the cancer research in Costa Rica.

Speratun has successfully discovered the cure for pancreas cancer and they have started their final stage of testing on humans in September 2020. I was extremely impressed with their work and their donations management on my visit to the laboratory in Costa Rica this January. On a personal level, I understand this is far from discovering the cure for Brian’s Glioblastoma grade 4 brain cancer, however,  any cancer is bad cancer – many people have died from cancer.

Some donations will be distributed to Sue Ryder Home Hospice UK as well as to the Buddhist Temple organized by Teacher Po-Sin in Hong Kong.



выбор благоприятного дня

Выбор Благоприятных Дат — Древние стихи

天不得時,日月無光。地不得時,萬物不生。水不得時,風浪不靜。人不得時,利路不通。鬼不得時,地獄不超。神不得時,求之不靈。 Когда Небеса не в своем времени Солнце и Луна не будут светить Когда Земля не в своем времениЗемли будут бесплодны, без признаков роста Когда Вода

выбор благоприятного дня

Выбор благоприятной даты

«Быть в нужном месте в нужное время» Если мы посмотрим на традиционный Китайский Сельскохозяйственный Календарь (Тун Шу), мы увидим, что помимо информации о земледелии, в