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Newsletter January 2022

Dear Everyone! I hope you all have managed to have a happy Christmas and New Year with your family and loved ones!I am very happy to say that I have been traveling extensively since the end of July! Chinese New Year is coming up very soon and I have posted the Receiving Wealth God information on my website under Article. I am interested in offering an Auspicious Day Selections Xuan Kong Da Gua course online in  March this year and I would like to hear from anyone who may wish to take part? I

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August 31st 2021 Still in England!!!

Dear Students and Friends! Summer is disappearing fast but at least the UK has regained most of our freedom of movements from lockdown since July the 19th.We pray, beg and hope that this will last! I was invited by the Association of Feng Shui Consultants in Australia as their speaker at the International Feng Shui Convention in Melbourne on October 15th and 16th this year. Due to travel restrictions and more C-19 issues, I was asked to make a video presentation about Auspicious Day Selections and particularly featuring the Xuan Kong

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April 19th 2021 England

Hello, Hello!!! Spring is finally here!!! I hope everyone and all families are well! I am passionate about doing in-depth research on all Chinese Metaphysics subjects. I am also most enthusiastic in teaching “practical” valuable knowledge to all my students. Not having been able to go anywhere during these long months – now over a year and a half of coronavirus national strict lockdown in the U.K. … I have prepared some new courses! Amongst these courses, I would like to first introduce online:  Bazi Reference and Knowledge – Rules

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January 26th 2021 England

Dear Friends and Students: Chinese New Year is later than usual this year. It is on the 12th of February, which comes after the Coming of Spring on 3rd February.  I have prepared the dates and directions for receiving the Wealth, Happiness and Good Fortune Gods for this year. Moreover, I have also included the date for Wealth God’s birthday, which is another popular day for receiving the Wealth God. ( On the website, you can find two scheduled charity courses for March with German translation.Please sign up with me directly. ( Whatsapp has issued their

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Two Charity Courses

Bazi Feng Shui Languages: Englsih with German Translation Date: Saturday, March 27th, 2021 Time: 0900–1500 UK time (One hour behind Germany) Fees: €300 (No Vat) Early Bird 10% discount: Up to March 5th 2021 About: Please read Course and Synopsis Level: Basic Bazi Knowledge Contact: Charity Beneficiary: Speratum Cancer Research in Costa Rica ************************************************************************ Auspicious Day Selections – Pro Fast Track Languages: Englsih with German Translation Date: Friday to Sunday on March 5th to 7th, 2021 Time: All in UK time (One hour behind Germany) Fri: 1500-1800 Sat and

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Christmas, December 23rd 2020 England

Dear friends and students: Christmas is coming, however, we are back to experiencing the full lockdown. Since I returned from Central America in January, Like many people the world-over, I  have been going nowhere but grounded here in England. Realistically, there is no place I could go that can be called SAFE from the pandemic and staying at home is probably the safest thing to do for the time being On the academic note -We often hear about Heaven Luck, but the Earth Luck has always been an illusive and ambiguous subject to many. There

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