Fermer ce champ de recherche.

  • Le but de ce cours est de démontrer chaque sujet avec des exemples en fonction de leurs règles uniques et des exigences des applications.
  • Ce cours de référence et de connaissances Bazi se déroulera en deux ou plusieurs modules consécutifs.
  • Chaque module de cours de 8 heures couvrira 30 à 36 sujets avec traduction dans la langue des participants.
  • Ce n’est pas un cours d’enseignement typique de Bazi. Veuillez noter que je ne discuterai pas de cas personnels et ne répondrai pas à des questions pendant le cours. De plus, je ne répondrai pas aux cas individuels par courriel par la suite.
  • Cette liste ci-dessous est pour votre information seulement car elle sera mise à jour de temps en temps avec de nouveaux sujets.
  • Prérequis: VOUS DEVEZ  avoir des connaissances de base sur le Bazi.

Bazi Reference Knowledge Part I

  1. Course Title Page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. About This Course
  4. The Different Schools Of Bazi
  5. You Are The Best Model For Bazi Learning
  6. Do Not Get So Inflexible When Deciding On A Strong Or Weak Plot!
  7. Some Life Plots Have A Strong Appearance, But They Could Be Weak?
  8. More Debatable Bazi Plots
  9. Targeting Your Career According To Your Useful Bazi Gods?
  10. Different Industries And Their Elements
  11. Time Zone And Weather Considerations
  12. The Four Fundamental Criteria In Determining A Weak Or Strong Bazi Plot
  13. The Four Fundamental Criteria In Determining A Weak Or Strong Bazi Plot
  14. Too Much Wealth Elements In A Weak Plot
  15. How To Determine The Good And Bad In The 10 Years Luck Cycle
  16. What Is “Chopping Head And Cutting Foot” In The 10 Years Luck Cycle
  17. Which Is More Important – 10 Year Luck Or The Current Year Luck
  18. The 10-Year Luck Influence To The Strong And Weak Plot
  19. Strong Plot But Has No Support And Un-Timely 10-Years Luck Cycle
  20. How To Support A Weak Plot?
  21. How To Support A Weak Plot?
  22. When There Is A Missing Element In The Bazi Plot
  23. Priority – Mind The 7 Killing!
  24. The Bazi 10 Gods Reference
  25. Does Your Character Influence Your Destiny?
  26. Different Day Master Makes Different Character
  27. Later Years And Children Luck In Bazi
  28. Later Years And Children Luck In Bazi
  29. What Kind Of People Are Likely To Be Compatible With You?
  30. Which Kind Of People Are Your Noble Helpers
  31. The Four Growth Phases Of Elements In Earth Branches
  32. The Four Growth Phases Of Heaven Stems In Earth Branches
  33. Grave And Storage – Earth – Do Not Get Confused
  34. Grave And Storage – The Four Earths
  35. Grave And Storage – 辰Chen
  36. Grave And Storage – 戌Xu
  37. Grave And Storage – 丑Chou
  38. Grave And Storage – 未Wei
  39. Grave And Storage – What Is The Grave?
  40. Grave And Storage – What Is The Storage?
  41. To Clash Or Not To Clash – The Yes Schools
  42. To Clash Or Not To Clash – The No Schools
  43. Grave And Storage – Observations
  44. A Bazi Plot Which Has All Four “Grave Phase“ 辰Chen-戌Xu-丑Chou-未Wei
  45. Case Studies For Grave & Storage Analysis – Example 2021 辛丑
  46. Case Studies For Grave & Storage Analysis – Example 2021 辛丑
  47. The Times They Are A-Changing
  48. Application And Practical Analysis – Priority Cheat Sheet
  49. Application And Practical Analysis
  50. Application And Practical Analysis
  51. Application And Practical Analysis
  52. Application And Practical Analysis
  53. Application And Practical Analysis
  54. Do Not Give In – Never Give Up! Mimi Moorhouse
  55. Thank You
  56. Preview Of Some Topics In Part II