Mimi Tsang 曾美薇 Moorhouse was born in Hong Kong by Chinese parentage. Mimi has been exposed to Feng Shui from a very young age as a part of the deep-rooted Chinese culture and the daily way of life.

The interest of broadening Mimi’s native instinct knowledge of Feng Shui was sparked by the chance meeting of a Yin (Burial Site) Feng Shui master while seeking a suitable burial site for her mother that was “Peaceful for the dead and Prosperous for the descendants”!

After much research work, Mimi has finally decided to become a disciple of Sifu (Master) Yap Cheng Hai from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sifu Yap Cheng Hai; who has turned 85 this year; is highly regarded as one of the few special Grand Masters in the Feng Shui world. Through years of teaching internationally; Sifu Yap Cheng Hai is totally adored by his 3000 plus international students for his happy and witty personality and his passion of teaching his vast knowledge of Classical Chinese Feng Shui; particularly his “Water Dragon”, a special water formula method for inviting wealth.

Mimi has also additionally studied in private as a disciple of another well recognized Classical Feng Shui Sifu (Master) George K C Lau from Hong Kong. Sifu Lau is currently the 71st generation of Han Wu Pai (Association) San Yuen Feng Shui . He carries the duty as “Grand Master in Command” for his Pai, which was passed down from his father as a family tradition.  San Yuen Feng Shui has taken Mimi into a different dimension in understanding the manipulation of Feng Shui formulae under  the influence of Time, Location and the Power of Mountains and Water.

Mimi’s learning did not stop at Classical Feng Shui because she has made further advancements in learning Ba-Zi based on the teaching of Teacher Zhu Que Qiao from Hong Kong.This great wise-man started reading Ba-Zi for people “under protest” at an rebellious age of 16 in order to fulfill his father’s demand in carrying on the family’s special Bazi knowledge. Teach Zhu is now well into his advanced years!  Ba-Zi is a study of the five elements, cosmic factors of time, people and events that influence peoples’ lives from the day they were born. Curretnly, Mimi is progressing her Ba-Zi learning under the guidance of Teach Zhu’s earliest and most beloved disciple, Law Leung.

In 2004, Mimi was taken under the wings of a renowned I-Ching master, Teacher Huang Jian, from China  in learning the art of interpreting and deciphering the meanings of I-Ching. I-Ching is an ancient accurate science of Event and Outcome Analysis. Very importantly, it is also the vital foundation of Feng Shui origin and its application.

“Qi Ming Dun Jia”  was the next big learning subject for Mimi. It is one of the three major classics in Chinese metaphysics and divinations – this special study of  “Time and Space”  was once exclusively used only by the emperors in China for war strategies. It was later recorded being used by Chairman Mao Tse Tung during some of the battles in the late 40’s. Now days, we mainly use this ancient knowledge for tracking down “the special gap” – an advantageous passage  of Time, Direction and Location; – to give us an extra push for better success to put our endeavor in focus.

By 2007, Mimi established her school Feng Shui – International School of Metaphysics (Feng Shui-ISM!!!). She also began teaching and sharing her broad  eclectic knowledge base in Feng Shui and various Metaphysical subjects at  the same year.

Mimi has two sons. She helps to run a part of the family business with her husband; Brian, who is a philatelic specialist of antique and rare stamps from all Latin American countries. Both Brian and Mimi have a common hobby of  “See this world before the next” as they both have visited  271+ countries and self-autonomy territories so far. (Travelers’ Century Club Official List of Countries and Territories.)

Mimi has the advantage of being able to speak  both Cantonese and Mandarin; plus she has a full understanding of reading and writing in both traditional and simplified Chinese. This enabled her to learn from a broad range of Chinese Metaphysic Masters the world over. It is also useful as she often works closely with various philatelic clients in the Far East.

Mimi  enjoys writing articles and making in-depth research  from her reference library collection of over 450 Chinese Classical books for Feng Shui, Ba-Zi, I-Ching, Auspicious Day Selections, Face and Palm reading, etc…. in addition, she also has a large collection of  Lo-Pans (Feng Shui Compass) in various sizes!
Plus – of course, a few stamps!

ADDENDUM: With the greatest grief in my heart – Brian has passed away on July 15th 2017 from a sudden on-set of a Glioblastoma grade 4 brain tumor. I have decided to keep my above text as before to honor our 30 years of happy life together. For those who may be interested in knowing more about Mimi and Brian, please go to www.brianmoorhouse.com

More pictures from Mimi