Course synopsis

Bazi Reference and Knowledge -
Rules and Applications

The aim of this course is to demonstrate each topic with examples according to their unique rules and applications requirement.

  • This Bazi Reference and Knowledge course will be conducted in two or more sequel modules.
  • Each 8 hours course module will be covering 30 to 36 topics with language translation.
  • This is not a typical Bazi teaching course. Please be mindful that I will not discuss personal cases and taking questions during the class. As well, I will not be answering individual cases by email afterward.

Bazi Feng Shui

Regulating Feng Shui and to improve one’s life path luck with Bazi Favorable elements.

Important: Bazi basic knowledge is required.

We get ill when our body’s 5 elements are out of balance – for the same reason, our life is in chaos; when the 5 elements in our life are out of balance.

Bazi Feng Shui is not a replacement for the traditional external and internal Feng Shui methods. Instead, it is a way to enhance the person’s life path luck by fine-tuning and tapping into the Bazi Favorable elements on a very customized and personal basis.

It is also a very good alternative when traditional Feng Shui arrangements are not possible.

This course requires the basic level of knowing how to determine a person’s Bazi is weak or strong; subsequently, to be able to decide his/her Favorable elements. (During the course, I will accept using of Bazi APP programs if the students so wish to do so.)

Bazi Feng Shui is a relative new subject and a new territory for Feng Shui practice. Although this method has been written and mentioned in some books, but we are yet to see a book that is specialized for this topic.

Auspicious Day Selections Professional Series

In formal Chinese Metaphysics term:  “Day Lessons”. (日 課 Rì-Ké)

Day Selections is a very useful fundamental knowledge in order for Feng Shui and non Feng Shui practitioners to take better control of the timing and locations of events. It is to understand the limitations as well as to empower a situation to take flight.

For Feng Shui practitioners, this is an advanced learning to compliment their Feng Shui knowledge. Auspicious Day Selection is particularly useful in order to offer a higher level support to their clients, especially when they need to make alteration with recommended construction work, implementing projects and personal events.

I strongly believe that one can only learn Chinese Feng Shui and its related metaphysical knowledge effectively – providing that  they can identify the directions with the relation of the 12 Earth Branches. Therefore, I encourage all students to have prepared with a solid knowledge base of the 10 Stems and 12 Branches in Chinese before coming to this class.

During the course, I will be using the traditional terms for directions with 12 Earth Branches from the 24 mountains and the 8 palaces.  To keep it at a professional level, we will no longer be using NE2, S3 and SE1, etc. etc.

I will begin ADS Pro Fast Track by focusing on “How to find the months and dates in Chinese Calendar”.

Practical work will be given at the end of the second day.