Two Charity Courses

Bazi Feng Shui

Languages: Englsih with German Translation

Date: Saturday, March 27th, 2021

Time: 0900–1500 UK time (One hour behind Germany)

Fees: €300 (No Vat)

Early Bird 10% discount: Up to March 5th 2021

About: Please read Course and Synopsis

Level: Basic Bazi Knowledge


Charity Beneficiary: Speratum Cancer Research in Costa Rica


Auspicious Day Selections – Pro Fast Track

Languages: Englsih with German Translation

Date: Friday to Sunday on March 5th to 7th, 2021

Time: All in UK time (One hour behind Germany) Fri: 1500-1800 Sat and Sun: 0900-1600

Fees: €950 (No Vat)

Early Bird 10% discount: Up to February 12th 2021

About: Please read Course and Synopsis

Perquisite: Knowledge and Writing of the 24 Mountains


Charity Beneficiary: Speratum Cancer Research in Costa Rica

Mimi’s pledge:

I have made a pledge at the beginning of 2020.

With my humble intention, I want to dedicate some goodwill back to the work of metaphysics. All the profits from my future teachings will be used for donations to support “Speratum”, the cancer research in Costa Rica.

Speratun has successfully discovered the cure for pancreas cancer and they have started their final stage of testing on humans in September 2020. I was extremely impressed with their work and their donations management on my visit to the laboratory in Costa Rica this January. On a personal level, I understand this is far from discovering the cure for Brian’s Glioblastoma grade 4 brain cancer, however,  any cancer is bad cancer – many people have died from cancer.