Feng Shui – What is it?


Feng is the wind. But in Feng Shui, this does not represent the movement of air. 
It is a term referring to the various visible or non-visible energies that exist in the air.

Shui is water. In Feng Shui, this also does not represent the moving water that we use for swimming, washing and drinking.
This refers to the various visible or non-visible energies that exist in the land.

Feng Shui is a complex knowledge of various visible and non-visible energies that can influence the destiny of man.  It is a skill of how to manipulate these energies and use them to our advantage in life.

Mimi Moorhouse   
27 January 2006
曾 美 薇   乙酉年冬 


Wealth God For 2022
壬寅 Year

Date: 1st February 2022 Chinese New Year Day Wealth God: South East Nobleman God: South-West Auspicious Direction: South Auspicious Time to receive these Gods: Zi