Kan Yu – Ways of Heaven and Arrangement of Earth


Kan Yu and Dragon Qi

Kan Yu means, “Order of Heaven (Tien Wen), and Arrangements of Earth (Di Li)”. In Feng Shui theory, heaven governs the sun, moon, stars and time while the earth contains the arrangements of mountain, land, water and sea. 

Ancient Feng Shui Masters have written their experience based on their search of Dragon Qi and transformed them into the theory of Feng Shui.

Learning the ways of the Arrangements of Earth (Di Li) is to trace the Dragon Qi (mountain paths and movements) to where it is settled by water. 

Dragon Qi (Mountain Qi) stops when it contacts water also it is where the highest concentration of best Sheng Qi (Vitality Forces) will be gathered. Therefore, the Dragon’s Sheng Qi needs the presence of water to collect and gather it in one place. On the contrary, wind, is the worse factor because it disperses Qi. 

Feng Shui is “Kan Yu”. Kan Yu is the ways and means to look for the place where Dragon Qi has gathered while sheltered from the wind.

Our ancestors had long recognized that there is a natural power of Qi in our environment that governs the success and failure of all human being. 

This forever changing and ubiquitous Qi power exists in the air, water and earth as it influences all things on earth by ways of peaks and valleys of the mountain ranges; it rises and falls in and goes out of sights as it twists and turns to all directions. For this reason, they call this Qi power as Dragon Qi.

Feng Shui shares the same mystery as the Dragon – a mystical flying animal that lives in heaven. Feng Shui is an abstract theory that cannot be compared by real facts and science; it can only be demonstrated by the manipulation of its environmental condition and the final prove of its outcome. 

Some thousands of years later, we are yet to conclude a full and satisfactory explanation of the power of Feng Shui!

29 December 2002
Point Wild, Elephant Island
曾 美 薇   壬 午 年 冬


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