The Feng Shui of your study desk
and the Literary Art Location (Part 2)


Traditionally, the purpose of a desk is basically for studying, working or drawing. Today, we are incorporating many more activities such as paying house bills, finishing extra works from the office and or doing extra learning courses, etc. 

Ironically, many of us are now spending more time on the computer than being in bed – for this reason; we must take a serious look at our desk and its Feng Shui in the house.

In order to raise higher efficiency and benefit from greater achievement in various studies or works:

First and foremost, we must follow the rules of the game – on how to find a good room as a study room; as well as being able to recognize the principles of desk arrangements. 

Relax!  It is not a difficult task to find a suitable Feng Shui solution for our desk!  


1.    Ample Lighting

The study room is Yang; it is also a place for work and learning, therefore, ample lighting is important. The room being too dim violates the Feng Shui principle; the affect will bring poor quality work and low study efficiency. Moreover, frequent illness.

2.    Free flow of air circulation

We need good fresh oxygen to maintain a sharp brain for thinking and concentration while studying and working. It is important to pay attention to the quality and freshness of air circulation in the study.

3.    Keeping  the Yin and Yang activities in balance
Just because the study room is Yang – therefore, it should be maintained as a peaceful and quiet environment; it is also to be kept to a minimum of activities, so that we can concentrate better by using the Yin to balance the Yang.


1.    Desk violations in Feng Shui

Many great conveniences in our modern life are no doubt making our life easier, however, without knowingly, many of these great inventions have also become Shas to us. 

The most common Feng Shui Shas are:

Magnetic Sha –

We are living under the influence of the North and South magnetic fields – in the meantime, our bodies, are each, a magnetic field.  Our thinking process, nerve endings are all dependent on magnetic transmissions, even down to our heart beats!  Without it, we would be like living without air! However, too much magnetic influence can also cause a lot of harms to us!

In our environment, we are totally surrounded by electronic equipments on a daily basis; these are such as televisions, computers, sound equipments, mobile cell phones and many other motorized or non-motorized electrical equipments, etc. It is fine in moderation, however, in excess, these are Magnetic Shas.

We must avoid having too many of these electrical equipments in the study room. Magnetic Sha can cause confusion, insomnia, nervousness and frequently getting ill. 

Noise Sha –

Noise is a type of Sha is Feng Shui. Its negative effects are similar to Magnetic Sha, therefore, it is best to eliminate constant loud or irritating low noises.  Blasting noises from television and sound equipments can be regarded as Noise Sha.

Light Sha – 

Study room should not be too dark or too dim – because this can bring hidden illnesses, also it violates the Feng Shui principle of Activities Balance of Yin and Yang.

There should be plenty of good lighting – although, within reason, not overly too bright!  Light Sha can upset the balance by introducing too much Yang qi; it can cause the owner to have bad temper and to be  lack of concentration; consequently, having poor studies and work results.

In the city, be careful with Light Sha coming in from outside the window; these are such as neon light signs and head-lights flashing through with high volume traffics.

Odour Sha – 

If the study room can smell bad odour (permanently or for a prolong amount of time) due to it is being near the garbage collection area, kitchen of a restaurant, dirty water pond, poor draining gutter, factories or anything or place that emits bad smelling odour – this is Odour Sha and it bring ill health plus gossips and law-suit in relation to work or studies.

Mimi Moorhouse 曾美薇
Zurich, Switzerland
April 4th, 2009



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