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Your Face and Feng Shui

Face Reading is something that I dabble on from time to time, but I thought it would be interesting and fun to use Feng Shui as a tool to substantiate the abstract concept of Face Reading. The Upper Face:The Forehead is the indicator of Nobility and quality of life. (Nobility does not mean being a […]

Feng Shui Detective – Agent Turtle !!!

During the 1980’s, I used to travel to China from San Francisco on various water treatment projects. During one of the visits, I had an odd opportunity in meeting a third generation Feng Shui Master who was part of the Chinese negotiation team. Feng Shui was not a subject to be discussed and was forbidden […]

Broken Tooth

I chipped my front tooth while I was in Hong Kong 2 weeks ago but couldn’t do anything about it until I got back to England.  While browsing at the bookstore upon my departure from the HK Airport, I noticed a book “Feng Shui for Love and Marriage” at the Metaphysics section. Hmmm…  I opened […]

What is a “Blind Year” 盲年?

Coming of Spring is the first Ji Qi (Season Qi) of the year for the Chinese Farmer Calendar, therefore, it is the beginning of a new year for metaphysic practice – it is also the official date for changes to take place for auspicious and inauspicious timing and locations for the year. Having been an […]

Why Chinese Leap Year has 13 months (Leap Month)?

Chinese Luna calendar is based on the moon’s orbital cycle to the sun.  A full orbital cycle for the moon to go around the sun is +/-29.5306 day.  It varies and depending on the length of the full moon and half moon of the month, therefore; some month will have 29 days and month will […]

Determining Sitting and Facing with Qi

In the ancient time, there was almost never any debate about the Sitting and Facing of a Yang house or a Yin House burial plot.  Traditionally, Chinese always have used the mountain for both Yin and Yang houses for Sitting – because everything was built with the mountain in the back for support! Chinese Yin Feng Shui […]

Shas 煞 (Negative Qi Force)
Foot Cutting Sha

Foot Cutting Sha 割腳煞  Foot Cutting Water 割腳水  In the past and still, currently in some lower living standard rural areas in the third world countries, we often can see people builing their clay or wooden houses on top of the water due to poverty. These people always have to face the potential danger and threats of destruction […]

Shas 煞 (Negative Qi Force)
Face Pricking Sha

Where did the name “Face Pricking Sha” come from?  Face Pricking 刺青(Tattoo) was one of the ancient punishments. This was mainly used for sex criminals as they tattoo the subject of the crime directly on the forehead of the person, so that this criminal will be shamed for life. As for Feng Shui application, this […]

Liu Ren 六壬神課

Liu Ren 六壬神課 The three classics of divination from Zhou-Yi 周易 (I-Ching) theory are : Liu Ren 六壬神課 Qi Ming Dun Gia 奇門遁甲 Tia Yi 太乙神数 What is Liu Ren? “The Six Ren(s)” 1. The Origin of Liu Ren comes from He Tu 河圖 and Lo  Shu 洛書.  2. Ren 壬 is Yang Water and it […]