Water Observation Techniques and Their Influence

In Chinese Feng Shui metaphysics, WATER is one of the major back bones of the theory. Therefore, we often hear the classic text quoting:  山 管人丁水管財“Mountain governs people and water governs wealth”. Since the majority of the clients will be asking for Feng Shui adjustments to obtain wealth –  Being Feng Shui Master/Consultant, we must take super […]

Sharing the year with Tai Shui

Popular question around New Year time….The question of Tai Shui and Shui Po has come up again –  No, a person who has Tai Shui does not necessary mean everything is bad! Yes, in general, most people will face obstacles in many ways, but not all things necessary! Tai Shui is a strong force of […]

The Five Yellow

Five Yellow: No ground digging, building work and installing new door.Focus:Blood related disasters, loss of wealth and weakening of health, 5 Yellow and its relationship with the combination of other stars: 1 and 5: Ear problems. Gynaecological problems, Anaemia, Poisoning and Womb diseases. 2 and 5:  Chronic illness, Stomach cancer, Spleen and stomach problem, Nicotine poisoning, Disaster and […]

The Annual 3 Killings

The 3 killings:It is a particular strong force of energy in the four cardinal directions; which – is purely activated by time. Time: it is governed and represented by the 12 Branches. The make-up of the 3 Killings are:Calamity Sha, Robbery Sha and Year Sha. For the 2010 Geng-Yin year, the 3 Killings energy is in […]

The Feng Shui of your study desk
and the Literary Art Location (Part 1)

Activities Balance in Yin and Yang Many people like to put the study desk in their sleeping bedroom. Majority of them are due to space restriction; also it is convenient to consolidate the personal space all in one room.  This may be a good solution for space, but it is not a wise thing to […]

The Feng Shui of your study desk
and the Literary Art Location (Part 2)

Traditionally, the purpose of a desk is basically for studying, working or drawing. Today, we are incorporating many more activities such as paying house bills, finishing extra works from the office and or doing extra learning courses, etc.  Ironically, many of us are now spending more time on the computer than being in bed – […]

Feng Shui, Heaven, Man and Earth

Feng Shui is about harmony in our living environment. It is an analysis of a house (apartment, office, building or dwelling, etc.) based on its location, which direction it faces, its surroundings and how to optimize its suitability for the occupants. Time, with the changes of seasons and years; also plays an important role in […]

Old Grand Master Wong
黃 老 仙 師 黃 大 仙

Old Grand Master Wong Chu-Ping was also known as “Chí Song Zi”  (Red Pine Monk) and he was believed to have been born in 328 A.D. though exactly where he was born is unclear. He was, and still is, an important Taoism immortal amongst the Chinese population along the south-eastern coastal regions of China. Old […]

Feng Shui – What is it?

Feng is the wind. But in Feng Shui, this does not represent the movement of air. It is a term referring to the various visible or non-visible energies that exist in the air. Shui is water. In Feng Shui, this also does not represent the moving water that we use for swimming, washing and drinking.This refers […]

Is Feng Shui a “100% solution” ?

Feng Shui takes its effects from Heaven Luck of timing and Earth Luck of environmental influence. There is no such a thing as “The Everlasting Prosperous Feng Shui” because the power of Heaven and Earth are forever changing. It is impossible to chase after the illusive 100% solution in Feng Shui methods from any particular […]